Human Resources Management Directorate

HRM directorate strives to maximize return on investment in the department’s human capital and minimize financial risk. This directorate seeks to achieve this by aligning the supply of skilled and qualified individuals and the capabilities of the current workforce, with the department’s strategic plan and requirements to maximize return on investment and secure future survival and success. In ensuring achieving these objectives, HRM directorate implements department’s human resource requirements effectively, taking into account government labor laws and regulations; ethical business practices; and net cost, in a manner that maximizes, as far as possible, employee motivation, commitment and productivity.

Public Service Commission (PSC), the Ministry of Public Administration and Ministry of Finance stipulates the guidelines and grant approval when and where necessary for all aspects of HRM for staff and non-staff officers below the level of Director General of Customs (DGC). The HRM directorate therefore conforms to the rules to be notified by PSC, the Ministry of Public Administration and the Ministry of Finance from time to time on recruitment, promotion, performance management etc., as well as the relevant provisions of the Establishments Code, the Customs Ordinance, and Financial Regulations. PSC delegates DGC the power to transfer , and hold disciplinary proceedings , set out in the second schedule of Vol. II of the Establishments Code , of the staff officers , and for others the all stages (subject to right of appeal to the PSC).At the same time, while complying with the substantive provisions of public service regulations, the Customs has the flexibility in devising the HRM Plan appropriate to the HR needs of the Department, including the format for Performance Appraisal and Promotion criteria.

Major functions include:

  • Recruitment, Selection, and Resourcing.
  • Employee records keeping and confidentiality.
  • Organizational design and development.
  • Restructure and change management.
  • Performance, conduct and behavior management.
  • Customer and employee relations.
  • Human resources (workforce) analysis and workforce personnel data management.
  • Compensation and employee benefit management.
  • Employee motivation and morale – building.

Contact Information

Tel:+94 11 2221607
Fax:+94 11 2437071
Director of Customs+94 11 2221600
Deputy Director of Customs+94 11 2221601
Deputy Director of Customs+94 11 2143434
Administrative Officer+94 11 2221607