These Coins were detected at Bandaranaike International Airport on 24.02.2020 while an Australian national was trying to carry out to Singapore. 334 NOs of coins were found in possession of the passenger. Coins were examined by the BCNP officers and they suspected those coins have an archeological value. So 334 coins were detained by the officers and referred to Department of Archeology for their expert opinion.
As per the Report by the Archeological Department, it has been identified that the production of 334 coins are to be Antique and belongs to following periods.
Anuradhapura period – 150 coins
Portuguese Period – 10 coins
Dutch Period – 171 coins
British Period – 03 coins
Therefore, It is a violation of Sections 12, 44, 107 A (2) of the Customs Ordinance (Chapter 235)read with Antiques Ordinance No 09 of 1940 (Chapter 394) and Antiquities (Amendments) Act No. 24 of 1998 and hence the production is forfeited under the provisions of Customs Ordinance.