Sandalwood smuggle busted
Exportation of any part of Sandalwood (Santalum album) is prohibited, since the Sandalwood (Santalum album) is a protected tree in Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance.

Detection of Edible Bird Nests
The edible bird nests of the trade come from the nests of five species of Swifts that inhabit Asia, and are thus collectively called Edible-nest

Illegal export of Kothala Himbutu mugs attempt detected
Salacia reticulata (Kothala Himbutu) is an indigenous plant to Sri Lanka that contains high specific medicinal value in healing diabetes, hepatitis, digestion, etc. This plant

Detection of Live birds
On 20th September 2016, 27 Numbers of live birds were detected by the officers at Pettah gate, Colombo Harbour while being attempted to smuggle out

365 Sea shells detected
Exportation of sea shells is a violation of Customs Ordinance (Chapter 235) read with Fauna and Flora Protection ordinance and Exportation of chanks without valid

Detection of Antique Ceramic ware
Exportation of Antiques without the valid license/ permit issued by the Director General of Archaeology is an offence in terms of provisions of Customs Ordinance

Detection of Antique Stone Statues
On 28th June 2016 three stone Statues were detained suspicious to be having Archaeological value belonging at the departure terminal of Bandaranaike International Airport while