A two-day Training Workshop on Train-the -Trainers of Customs Officers on “Control Mechanism of Importation the Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and non-ODS” was conducted at Hotel Janaki, Colombo on the 31st of October & 1st of November, organized by the National Ozone Unit (NOU) of Ministry of Environment. The Customs officials from various directorates actively participated in this workshop. The lectures were delivered by NOU staff and Customs staff as well.

The lectures on “Responsibility of Customs officers in respect to ODS and non-ODS importation” and “HS Code amendments of 2022 with regard to ODS and non-ODS” were delivered by Mr. Athambawa Jaleel, Deputy Director of Customs. Mr. B.A.N.K. Balasooriya, Deputy Director of Customs delivered a lecture on “Data Reporting & Minimizing Differences in reported data and digitalization of ODS/HFC trade”. Furthermore, the lecture on “Risk Profiling and Management” was presented by Mr. A. Asheem Muhammeth, Asst. Superintendent of Customs.
The hands-on practical session on how to use ODS analyzers to identify refrigerant gases was also conducted by NOU staff. As the “Next Step”, an annual Action Plan was prepared jointly with NOU on how to implement the Border Control Mechanism on ODS importation in 2024.